Festival international de performance “Interakcje”
De Piotrkow Tribunalski
Pologne 1999
The International Festival of Action Art “Interaction” came into being in 1999 on the initiative of Ryszard Piegza – Polish artist living in Paris and Stanislaw Piotr Gajda and Gordian Piec. To reation of the festival contributes fact of moving in 1998″Centre of World” from station in Perpignan (it was settled by Salvator Dali) to restaurant “Europa” inPiotrków Trybunalski by Ryszard Piegza. It was not an imitation of surrealistic gesture but rather introducing of existing idea. Every year in our city meet modern artists of performance, video/sound art and installations. So far in 5 festivals participated 78 artists from 20 countries. The purpose of “Interaction” is presentation of their performance, experience exchange and dynamic confrontation artist-consumer.”Interactions” bring closer these areas of art that seems to be impenetrable but thanks to them we can open so far unknown sensitivness and creativity.